Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 24: Manchester

Josh is spending the day in Manchester, picking up a few things in preparation for continuing his march tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Josh, as a Mum I know what YOUR Mum is thinking ... have you had enough rest, have you treated your feet to some medical attention and where is your note from the doctor allowing you to carry on?!! You are an absolute star to carry on and I wish you all the best for your march tomorrow. Take care, Nicola (Jessica's Mum)

Anonymous said...

Josh, I'm astounded at the distance you've travelled! You can be proud of yourself. We're rooting for you here in Canada.

As I write this, it's early Monday morning in the UK, so you'll be on your way again shortly. I hope your experiences on the first leg of your journey, and the thought of all of those around the world who are following your trek, will help to sustain you in the days to come.
- Uncle Garry