After a late start, wanting to begin this leg of the journey freshly showered and smelling sweet, (probably the last chance for a few days), Josh made his way NW out of Cardiff, getting rather confused by the spaghetti junction where the A470 crosses the M4. (Not really a pedestrian route). Eventually he was off and moving in the right direction again and glad to be getting closer to the mountains. The route that he is taking at the moment follows very close to busy roads but he has managed, (partly by accident), to break away at places and wander through some of the back roads, weaving back and forth across the river Taff and through some more interesting scenery. Unfortunately his tight shedule does not allow him to take in all the sights that a holiday maker might seek out but every bend still provides a new treat. As I was talking to him on the phone this afternoon, helping him to find his way back to his path after taking a wrong turn, he was talking about the mountains starting to rise around him and the elation in his voice was a joy to hear.
The river Taff near Pontypridd.
The new Ponty bridge runs tight alongside the old one.
For a better view of the bridge and some historical background: http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/16/Pontypridd_New_Bridge.jpg/240px-Pontypridd_New_Bridge.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontypridd&h=135&w=240&sz=8&hl=en&start=10&um=1&tbnid=z4rzhyuE8sXkTM:&tbnh=62&tbnw=110&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dponty%2Bbridge%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN
If only there was time for rock climbing!
The river Tre.
I must just say here how wonderful Google Earth has been for tracking Josh's movements from home and how much fun it is to hear him describing, from the ground, the path that I am viewing from above. I was able to lead Josh directly to the pub where he will be pitching his tent tonight.
Tomorrow he will be passing through Merthyr Tydfil and moving NE towards Abergavenny where he hopes to meet up with friends for the treck across the Black Mountains to Hey on Wye on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Distance travelled today: Approx. 20 miles
It's all going to get much more beautiful now, Josh. Enjoy it!
Lots of love from
Dad, Mum and Charlie
Lovely pictures, Josh.
Hey, Mr. Blogger, are you by any chance plotting Josh's progress on Google Earth? If so, it would be wonderful if you could share the placemark(s) with us. It's an amazing tool. I use it to track our cycling trips.
- Uncle Garry
Hi, Garry!
Yes I am plotting Josh's course on Google Earth but there are a couple of places where I am unsure of his course so I would rather wait until I have the details straight before I post the markers and paths. Goggle Earth is the biz but I wish there was a way to measure a path without redrawing it. Check back in a few days for the first set of wey points.
- Mr. Blogger
wow this is the view from the train route to uni, from cardiff to trefforest (one before pontypridd) this train only takes like 25minutes though lol Robyn x
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